
This part presents how to display and record phone camera input.

Warning: Required configuration:
Audio and video nodes require a Java ME including JSR135 and MeMo player build with audio and video options.
Supported formats (for audio and video) depend of mobile phone.

Many MeMoPlayer versions does not support audio and video nodes.
To change the MeMo Player, add following line in your file.

RecordTexture node is not supported by MicroEmulator.
Install the Sun Wireless ToolKit to test video on PC.

We use RecordTexture to display and save picture/snapshot on mobile.
See RecordTexture documentation.

We define a RecordTexture node.
We define, via the fileUrl property, the target file (where snapshot is saved).

In example, we save snapshot in root1 folder.
On MS Windows, file is saved in C:\Documents and Settings\<user_login>\j2mewtk\2.5.2\appdb\DefaultColorPhone\filesystem\root1 folder.

In first time, we define a key to take snapshot. We use the left softkey...

After, we use the startTime field of RecordTexture to take the photo.