shape appearance

This tutorial present the shape appearance property.
appearance property define the shape color, texture, ...

See Draw shapes tutorial to draw a shape.
See Appearance node documentation.

In 2D scene, material is define via a Material2D node.


We try to draw 2 shapes.
1st shape: rectangle / blue / opaque / not filled.
2nd shape: circle / green / transparent (10%) / filled / over the 1st shape.
Final result

1st shape

2nd shape

Final code:

With MeMo, we can apply a image (or a video) on shape.
texture field can be set to an ImageTexture or a MovieTexture.
See ImageTexture node and MovieTexture node documentation.

Following example draw a square with a picture:

Picture file is in "src" folder.

Final result

See Draw picture tutorial for more examples.

And, an MovieTexture example:

MovieTexture node is not supported by the micro emulator (default SDK emulator).
Install the Sun Wireless ToolKit to test video (MPEG video only).

See video tutorials for more informations.