draw picture

Picture is define via the ImageTexture node.
This tutorial present how to display picture, transform it and optimize resources.

For Tiny Mobile Widgets, use small images (which take less space). To do: - Remove alpha channel (transparency)
- Go to indexed color (48 colors, but depends on the rendering)

Basically, we display a picture with 2 nodes:

Picture file is in "src" folder.

Picture application

We can use Rectangle shape to display picture. Result is same than use Bitmap shape.

Resize picture

We can resize texture with :

Prefer newSize field of ImageTexture node if texture size is fixed.
Other resize method increases processing and memory consumption.

Example 2

Rotate picture

When can rotate picture with the rotationAngle field of Transform2D node.
But arbitrary rotations may not be supported by pictures.
Only 0°, 90°, 180° and 270° angle are supported.

Rotation increases processing and memory consumption.

Following example rotate picture to 180°.

rotationAngle field use radian value.

Another example: Rotation of 90° and -90°

Example 2

To resize a picture, use the newSize field of ImageTexture node.
With this field, only resized picture is stored in memory.

To reuse an picture in same VRML scene, use DEF / USE instructions or "cache:" URL.
Example 1: Picture is loaded and stored 2 times.

Example 2: Picture is loaded and stored 1 time.