more animations

This tutorial is a continuation of the move shape tutorial.
We use:

We start with the following code:

We use ColorInterpolator node to change shape color.
The operation of ColorInterpolator is the same as CoordinateInterpolator2D.
ColorInterpolator use key and keyValue fields to compute and return a color when node receive set_fraction event.

Define the ColorInterpolator node:

Link ColorInterpolator node with timer and shape color:

Final code for color animation:

ScalarInterpolator is used if animation change only one simple value (example: angle, transparency, radius, ...).
The operation of ScalarInterpolator is the same as CoordinateInterpolator2D.
ScalarInterpolator use key and keyValue fields to compute and return a float value when node receive set_fraction event.
We can change shape transparency with this interpolator.

Define the ScalarInterpolator node:

Link ScalarInterpolator node with timer and shape transparency:

Final code for transparency animation:

Same tutorial than transparency. A ScalarInterpolator generate angles and change shape.

Rotation increases processing and memory consumption.
Rectangle shape does not rotate. We use an IndexedFaceSet2D node in this tutorial.

Final code for rotation animation: