
Inline node dynamically load and display a subscene file.

Inline node can be use with the Switch node.
Advantage, only the displayed node is loaded in memory. Other subscenes are not loader.
Inconvenience, change the subscene is slower (when whichChoice attribute of Swith node change). Inline node must load and construct the new subscene.

The other possibility to define and display subscene: create and use a prototype by sub scene.
Advantage, change the subscene is fast (subscene is already loaded).
Inconvenience, all subscene are loaded in memory.

The best solution, between use prototype or Inline node, depends on the material constraints (memory, processor, ...) and the complexity of the scene.

MeMo extends Inline node specification.
In addition, Inline node gives you the opportunity to select a language pack for the scene that is inlined.

For Inline node, only use M4M files in URL field.
Don't use WRL files ( cause problems during the final M4M file creation).

The Anchor node has two roles:

Switch node allows to render only one node in a list of nodes. It is useful to display or hide elements.
It can be used to manage different panels in a scene (with tabs, menu, ...).

Switch node contains an array of nodes (choice attribute) and the displayed node (whichChoice attribute).
whichChoice contains the index of current displayed node in choice array. First node index is 0. Switch node doesn't display node if whichChoice = -1.
whichChoice value is modifiable via script (Script node and javascript language).

See Switch node documentation for more information about Swith node and example.