TouchSensor node

Detects touch screen events on all Shapes included in the same Group in which the TouchSensor is declared.
When the user touches a Shape's bounding box, isActive, isOver, touchTime and hitPoint_changed fields will emit signals until the user ends the touch.

SFBool enabled TRUE :
Enabled by default, set enabled to FALSE to disable the TouchSensor.

SFBool isActive FALSE :
Will emit TRUE when user start touching a Shape, FALSE when user ends the touch (i.e. lifts its finger or stylus from the screen).

SFBool isOver FALSE :
During drag, TRUE when user is over the touched Shape, FALSE when user goes out of the touched Shape.

SFTime touchTime 0 :
Emits the time when the user ends the touch.

SFVec3f hitPoint_changed 0 0 0 :
Position of the touch relative to the touched Shape. Useful to track dragging events.

SFString mode "normal" :
Mode field supports several values: