CoordinateInterpolator node

This interpolator is used to interpolate arrays of 3D coordinates.
See Interpolators for a detailed explanation on how interpolators work and when to use them.

The CoordinateInterpolator outputs MFVec3f values to the value_changed field, you might want to look at the PositionInterpolator if you want SFVec3f values.

SFFloat set_fraction 0:
Change this set_fraction field (between 0 to 1) to make the interpolator compute a new value.
Value usually routed from the TimeSensor.fraction_changed field. See Interpolators.

MFVec3f value_changed []:
When a new array of coordinates is computed from the CoordinateInterpolator, it is sent to the value_changed field.

MFFloat key []:
List of float values between 0 and 1. See Interpolators.

MFVec3f keyValue []:
Contains arrays of coordinates for each value of the key list.