TimeSensor node

Generates periodic values. Basis of most animations. Should work exactly as defined in VRML.

SFTime startTime 0 :
Time to start the timer (in second since application start).

SFTime stopTime 0 :
Time to stop the timer, ignored if set below startTime. Timer can be restarted at any time by setting startTime and stopTime at the same values (in second since application start).

SFBool loop FALSE :
If loop is TRUE, it will restart timer when it

SFTime cycleInterval 1 :
Duration of the timer (in second).

SFFloat fraction_changed 0 :
This field will generate linear values from 0 to 1.

SFBool isActive FALSE :
Set to TRUE when timer is active (startTime != 0 and startTime < stopTime), else FALSE (except when loop is activated).

SFTime cycleTime 0 :
Called when timer is stopped or on each end of loop (every cycleInterval interval in second).

Example display a progress bar and close the widget after 5 seconds.