code conventions

Code conventions are important to produce a homogeneous code.
Many reasons:

This chapter present the MeMo application coding standards.

Use 2 spaces for a tabulation.

In VRML, Nodes should have the following form:

In Javascript, a if-else class of statements should have the following form:

In Javascript, a switch statement should have the following form:

When you name a node with keyword "DEF" the name of the node should be all uppercase with words separated by underscores.
It should also contain the function of the node (prefix) and the type of the node (suffix).
Example :

In VRML, when defining a node with a "DEF" keyword, you should use the following suffixes depending on the type of node:

Nodes Suffix
Appearance _APP
FontStyle _FS
ImageTexture, MovieTexture_TEX
Layer2D _L2D
Material, Material2D _MAT
PositionInterpolator _PI
Rectangle _REC
Text _TXT
TimerSensor _TIMER
Transform, Transform2D _TRS


Javascript fields should use the Java notation for variables, that mean :


When the developer specializes a Prototype in another Prototype (for example : Alert.wrl specialize Slider.wrl), the CSS file should look like the following:

The CSS Node for Alert should show that it specializes the Slider prototype : Node Name = "Alert-Slider" and have the same elements that the Slider CSS Node.
The difference is made between Specialization (named : "Node-Spe", with first letter of specialization in upper case) and Subsets (named "Node-subset", with first letter in lower case).

This pages contains conventions that should be followed when writing VRML prototypes with MemoSDK.


Use convention for java classes naming (first letter upper case of word, following lower case).
Example: ScrollableText, Menu, ProgressBarMenu


Every prototype should have the following parameters :

Inner nodes

Inner script(s)

Screen size handling

Prototype should support screen resizing via the screenSize field.
Example of support of screen resizing:

Style handling (not available for tiny widgets)

Prototype should support style modification via the style field.
See Style for Javascript API and CSS language for the CSS file syntax.