NewsReader prototype for Tiny Mobile Widgets

NewsReader Screenshot

NewsReader is a complete source sample to display RSS-like content. It is composed of :

The download of RSS data file is launched when feedUrl parameter is set.

NewsReader is planned to receive BML or XML data from feedUrl, matching the RSS format. All mandatory meta data are handled. For more details see this tree example.

A wap link can be proposed to user in the ScrollableText detailed view to know more on one item of the RSS feed. It uses the url contained in field link from XML data. It links to the RSS provider wap/web site. To enable/disable the link see goToSiteFlag parameter.

NewsReader can display one image for each item of the feed in the ScrollableText detailed view. It uses the url contained in field image from XML data. This field is not mandatory. If an image is displayed, its URL is sent to CADAP to be resized to 60*60 pixel format.

DataLoader Controls

Style parameters

Display parameters

Navigation Control parameter