TextField prototype


Text Field is composed of :

All these graphical elements constitutes the complete Text Field.

Prototype provides 2 parameters to the calling scene :

Prototype can be activate/disable through 'isActiveTF' boolean field.

The text displayed in text layer can be modified at anytime by the calling scene using 'inputText' eventIn.

An output event ('outputTEXT') providing current value of text is generated each time prototype modify the text (either using text box or layer entering mode or setting a value to inputTEXT).

Text can be hidden at any time by calling scene (only '****' displayed - for example in case of password) using 'field SFBool displayTEXT' boolean field.

The native text box can be used to enter text - 2 modes are possible : 'automatic' or 'driven'.

When launching prototype, only size (x, y) of layer and number max of char are provided by developer to prototype.
Size and center position of complete Text Field is computed by prototype in initialize() from sizes and positions of each element.

Following sizes and positions are provided as constants in script Node:

Height of elements 'mode window' and 'letters pad' are set to height of the used fonts (mode, letters) provided as parameters in proto interface,

Concerning layerSize :

TouchSensor can be activated /disabled using 'isActiveTouchSensor' boolean


Input/Output parameters

Input parameters

Input parameters

text input mode parameters "abc" "ABC" "123"

text input choice parameters

text background management

border management

main text parameters

grab focus

touch parameter

native text box management

text labels used when displaying native text box