
Before you install the plug-in, make sure that your development environment fits the following requirements:

This section contains informations to install Mobile Widgets plugin for Eclipse.

This Plugin add VRML syntaxic coloration and "automatic formating" in Eclipse.

Uninstall Djinngo SDK if any conflict occurs during installation.

Mobile Widgets plugin installation

Open add plugins window

From eclipse folder, launch " eclipse.exe " file to open Eclipse.
" <Mobile Widget> - Eclipse " window is opened.
In options, select " Help " then " Install New Software... " to access to Install.

Add new site

" Install - Available Software " dialog box is opened.
Select " Add... " button, to add a remote site.

Add new site

" Add Repository " dialog box is opened.
Complete informations about update site:

Click on OK button.

Launch installation

" Add Repository " dialog box is closed.
" Install - Available Software " dialog box is displayed with " Work with: " completed by " Mobile Widgets SDK - " .
Open " Mobile Widgets SDK " folder.
Select " Select All" button. All the " Mobile Widgets SDK " folder is checked.
Check " Contact all update sites during install to find required software".
Select " Next > " button to launch installation.

Installation details

" Install - Install Details" dialog box is displayed with " Vrml/JavaScript editor " to be installed.
Select " Next > " button to continue installation.

License dialog

" Install - Review Licenses" dialog box is displayed.
Select " I accept the terms of the license agreement " to use Mobile Widgets SDK 2.0.0.
Select " Finish " button to finish installation.

License dialog

During installation, " Security Warning " pop up is displayed.
Click on " OK " button to accept the unsigned content to continue installation.

License dialog

At the end of installation, " Software Updates " dialog box is displayed.
Eclipse needs to be reboot to complete installation.
Select " Restart Now " button to reboot Eclipse.

After reboot, Eclipse is restarted. Mobile Widgets SDK installation is finished.
Congratulations! You can now build your own widgets.