RichText node

Render XHTML content with CSS support. RichText node and CSS files are not available for tiny widgets.

To ease the use of this node, use the MiniBrowser prototype that handles automatic scrolling (with touchscreen screen support) and scrollbar handling.

XHTML Tags support

XHTML tag attributes

CSS support

See CSS chapter for a detailed list of attributes.

CSS pseudo class support

Only color CSS property is supported for pseudo class on links for the moment.

Url support and navigation

To navigate from one URL to another, associate some CSS pseudo classes to the a tag using the style field.

For example: a:visited { color: purple; } a:hover { color: red; } a:active { color: green; }.

This ensures that the focused tag and visited tags are visible to the user.
Use the jump field to jump from a link to another.

exposedField MFString string []:
The concatenation of all items is use as the XHTML content to display.

exposedField SFVec2f size 128 128:
The size, in pixels, of the rendering box, similar to the Layer2D.size field.

eventOut SFFloat height:
The real height, in pixels, of the whole rendered text.

eventIn SFFloat start 0:
The starting position, in pixels, of the displayed text.
This is usefull to scroll the text when height field returns a value greater than the given size.y.
Modifying this field, will trigger update of the start_changed field.

eventIn SFString style "":
Specify a style sheet that will supersede the usual XHTML ones.

eventIn SFFloat jump 0:
Go to the next visible link (and mark it as focused) or scroll by the specified amount of pixels.
When scrolling, the start_changed field will be update to the new position.

eventIn SFVec2f position 0 0:
The coordinates, in the node reference, of a "button press".
This results in the output of a URL in the linkSelected field if a link is "under" the position.

eventIn SFTime selectTime 0:
The time at which a validation of the current link, if any, is required.
This results in the output of a URL in the linkSelected field if a link is focused.

eventOut SFString linkSelected:
Output the newly selected link, if any, by one of the above command.

enventOut SFVec2f start_changed:
Output the new position of the text after a jump lead to a scroll or when start field is changed.