MediaSensor node

Report the state of a media currently played (or not).
It can also be used to monitor file download in conjunction with the Javascript File class.

MFString url "" :
As for MediaControl, the specified url must be also used in a MovieTexture or an AudioClip.
The url can also be the one used for loading a ressource using the Javascript File class.
This can help monitoring the progress of a big file download.See the File class for more details.

SFTime mediaCurrentTime 0 :
The mediaCurrentTime field returns the timestamp of the last media unit played.

SFTime mediaDuration 0 :
The mediaDuration field contains the duration of the media when available.

SFBool isActive FALSE :
The isActive field reports the current playing status.

MFString status [] :
The status field is set at index 0 to the last state occured (stopped, playing, buffering, error ...).
In case of error, the index 1 is set to the error message, like "Invalid URL", "Connection error" or "unsupported format"