MediaControl node

Control the state of a media (audio or video) currently played. It can also be used to:

MFString url "":
As for MediaSensor, the specified url must be also used in a MovieTexture or an AudioClip.

SFTime mediaStartTime 0:
The mediaStartTime field defines the start time into in media currently played.

SFTime mediaStopTime 0:
The mediaStopTime field define the stop time into in media currently played.

currently, field is not implemented.

SFBool loop FALSE:
The loop field defines if the media is played in loop.

currently, field is not implemented.

SFBool preRoll TRUE:

currently, field is not implemented.

SFBool isPreRolled FALSE:

currently, field is not implemented.

SFInt32 volume 50:
The volume field defines the sound volume in percent.

SFBool pause FALSE:
The pause field (de)activates pause.