KeySensor node

Same functionality as InputSensor but


Setting '@' in the url field will allow to listen to all native keyboard keys.
Classic cursor and soft keys events (U/D/L/R/E/A/B/C/Z) will not be fired.
The corresponding character will be exposed on the activeKey field.
Therefore, when the activeKey fires an 'A' event, it will be the keyboard 'A' key and not the classic Left Soft Key (LSK) event.

KeySensor mapping

SFString url "" :
List of sensed keys. Same as InputSensor.url.
Since 1.4.1, use '@' to listen to keyboard keys (except for the cursor and soft key U/D/L/R/E/A/B/C/Z events).

SFTime pressTime 0 :
Will emit current time when one of the sensed keys is pressed.

SFBool activate TRUE :
If TRUE, the KeySensor can emit events. Default: TRUE.

SFTime releaseTime 0 :
Will emit current time when one of the sensed keys is released.

SFString activeKey "" :
Will emit the current key being pressed.

SFTime repeatInterval 0 :
If greater than 0, will set how often the repeatTime field emits the current time while a sensed key is pressed.

SFTime repeatTime 0 :
Will emit current time when repeatInterval is greater than 0 and a sensed key is pressed.

SFTime repeatDelay 0 :
If greater than 0, will delay the first time when repeatTime emits the current time.