
The Eclipse Platform is an open source framework. It is designed for building integrated development environments.

Mobile Widgets SDK provides an editor based on the Eclipse platform.

Mobile Widgets SDK requires Eclipse 3.5 or higher.

Download Eclipse

Go to Eclipse Downloads page    ( ).

" Eclipse Downloads " page is opened.
Select " Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers " link.

" Eclipse IDE for Java Developers " page is opened.
Select in " Download Links " the Operating System (OS) of your computer.
(Windows 32-bit, Windows 64 bit, Mac OS X(Cocoa 32), Mac OS X(Cocoa 64), Linux 32-bit or Linux 64-bit).
Here the link " Windows 32-bit " is choosen for our OS used to created this help manual.

" Eclipse downloads - mirror selection " page is opened.
Select the green arrow to download " ".

Eclipse download page

" File download " dialog box is opened.
Select " Save " button.

Eclipse download page

" Save As " dialog box is opened.
Choose " Desktop " without changing the name " " in the textfield " File name: ".
Select " Save " button.

Eclipse download page

" Download complete " dialog box is opened.
Select " Open " button.

Eclipse installation

Eclipse download page

" WinZip - " dialog box is opened.
Select " Extract " button.

Eclipse download page

" Extract - (patch where the zip file is copied) " dialog box is opened.
Choose a place on your hard drive to extract the "zip" file in the textfield " Extract to: ".

The folder tree where Eclipse is installed must not contain white spaces.
Mobile Widgets SDK does not support space in folder name.

Select " Extract " button.

Eclipse download page

Eclipse download page

A folder " eclipse " is created in the place choosen on your drive.

Eclipse download page

Open " eclipse " folder.
All files used by " eclipse " are installed in this folder.

Eclipse first launch

Launch Eclipse

Open eclipse folder and launch " eclipse.exe " file to open Eclipse.

Launch Eclipse

Launch Eclipse

" Workspace Launcher " dialog box is opened.
Choose a Workspace by " Browse... " button or enter directly the path.
Enter " OK " button.

Proxy configuration on Eclipse

If you don't know what it is: see proxy definition.
If you don't use a proxy, go to the next part (Mobile Wingets SDK installation).

Open Preferences

From eclipse folder, launch " eclipse.exe " file to open Eclipse.
" <Mobile Widget> - Eclipse " is opened.
In options, select Window then Preferences to access to Preferences window.

Proxy configuration for Eclipse 3.6 or higher

Open Preferences

" Preferences " dialog box is opened.
Open " General " folder and select " Network connections " to access to Network Connections.
Select " Native " for " Active Provider ".
Only " HTTP Dynamic " is checked in " Proxy entries ".
Any " Host " is checked in " Proxy bypass ".
Select " OK " button to save preferences and close Preferences window.

Proxy configuration for Eclipse 3.5 or under

Open Preferences

" Preferences " dialog box is opened.
Open " General " folder and select " Network connections " to access to Network Connections.
Select " Manual " for " Active Provider ".
" HTTP ", " HTTPS " and " SOCKS " are checked in " Proxy entries ".
" localhost " and " " are checked in " Proxy bypass ".
Select " OK " button to save preferences and close Preferences window.

Complete HTTP and HTTPS configuration lines ( SOCK is not required).